A story by Sam Bollen
Super Sam and Magic Max were in their bedroom sleeping. Morning came and they woke up and went to school. After school they had ice cream and as they were eating it Sam’s hand started to vibrate.
“Hello, Super Sam and Magic Max, how can we help you?”
A strange voice said, “It's bananas! Every time we pick a banana fire comes out of the banana”.
Super Sam said, “Ok. We’re coming to help”.
Super Sam and Magic Max flew through the sky until they saw people picking bananas. As they were flying over they saw a big fire. They flew down to the burning bananas and they said, “Give all the bananas to us please”.
And then they brushed and combed the bananas and the fire stuck to the Magic Max’s magic hairbrush so they weren’t dangerous anymore. Super Sam and Magic Max gave the bananas back to the people and the fire didn’t come out of them anymore, so they could all eat the bananas happily.
The people said thank you to Super Sam and Magic Max. Super Sam and Magic Max said, “That’s no problem. Can we please take some bananas for our monkey friends?”
Super Sam and Magic Max flew to Mexico and gave bananas to all the monkeys in Mexico. They flew so fast around Mexico that they were faster than a plane. In fact they were even faster than Father Christmas delivering his presents. They dropped one banana to every monkey and then all the monkeys met together and played catch with the bananas.
Super Sam and Magic Max took the last two bananas back to New York to eat with their ice cream. But when they got back to New York mummy had eaten all of their ice cream. Mummy got them a new ice cream and they sat in the sun eating it all up!